


1190 Marsh St
San Luis Obispo, CA - 93401

Our organization is named "VeAhavta" because the word expresses our obligation, indeed our privilege, to care for others who are in need whoever they are and wherever we may find them regardless of race, religion, creed, nationality or socio-economic status. Through VeAhavta, we seek to love our neighbors by providing needy communities with material and human resources such that the people in these communities may meet their basic needs for food, safe drinking water, clothing, adequate shelter and education; and to promote peace, understanding and mutual respect among people of different religions through education. But more than just providing the material resources that our neighbors so desperately need, we encourage others to get personally involved in the plight of the needy. Love requires that we give more than just our possessions; it requires an investment of the heart for which there are no shortages of investment opportunities in the world today.

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