Martinsville RHousing Authority

Martinsville RHousing Authority


55 West Church Street
Martinsville, VA - 24112

Services Provided at Martinsville RHousing Authority: Administers federal rental assistance programs and affordable apartments for low income families, elderly residents and persons with disabilities. HUD assists the housing authority by providing Housing Choice Vouchers, aka Section 8 vouchers, for residents to find their own places and us the vouchers for rent assistance. The rent assistance entails full payment or partial payment of rent. Call the housing authority for details.

Comments (1)

  1. Monday, June 15, 2020

    Hello my husband is in limbo right now can't work filing for disability, but because of the coronivirus his assessments have been pushed back till July 19th. Myself we have an adult son with autism we receive disability for him but that does not go far enough. Just wondering if possibly we could get some help with rent for July we scraped together enough for this month, but next month a huge light bill will be do. Please contact me at your earliest convenience, really appreciate this. Thank you

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