GJARN was founded in 1992 by Rabbi Eliezer Avtzon and a group of dedicated individuals who share one vision: To relieve hunger and suffering around the world. Recognizing the timeless value which teaches us that "the highest form of charity is when you help a person help themselves", GJARN's unique mandate -- with all our forms of assistance -- is to: help people in need directly, develop a grassroots infrastructure in communities in which we work, create long-term solutions with the goal of enabling people to become self-sufficient. GJARN focuses on addressing the needs of those who are least served. GJARN reaches in the most remote areas -places that are often difficult to reach by conventional transportation. GJARN cares for those who have no family nearby. GJARN focuses on people who live under the poverty level of their country. GJARN maximizes its effectiveness by hiring more staff in the field than in US headquarters and by partnering with local communities and governmental agencies.