Our mission is based on the vision of Christ, Jn 17. We work to help all who believe to become one so that the world might know that Jesus was sent by the Father. Our mission is to help every person to understand all of the Message of God so that we can help them to continually obey it. God gives gifts to everyone as He pleases. Our gift is the ability to teach people and computers how to learn the Bible like a baby and a little child. Teaching the computer "how to learn" is especially important because once it has learned something it can backtrack and give all of the evidence and reasons for what it has learned thus empowering us to learn things that are too difficult for some such as the original language. In addition we give food, clothing, electrical generators, clean water and other physical needs, but we work with those who receive so that they will also give to others. We also provide education in tribal languages, Indonesian, and English for new life. We don't just give handouts. We bless, empower, and enable disaster victims to teach and bless others.